Thursday, October 18, 2007

R*nd*m Acc*ss B*bble (Radio Edit)

People often confuse me with Snoop Dogg. I never quite know which of our many shared traits to blame for these gaffs (I’ve always just assumed it was the way bitches are drawn to both of us like stoner moths to the flame of a sweet doobie) but one cross that we are both forced to bare is the inability of the mass media to handle our art in its most hardcore and raw form. And so, when the Fordham NPR affiliate, WFUV, asked me to record my NYC Supermarket’s blog post for their Cityscape program I knew there was bound to be some censoring to create a more “radio friendly” version of my emotional outpouring. That's just the way those wanksters roll. That sanitized version of the post will air this Saturday at 7:30 am, you can be outraged in real time by listening online here but we all know that you and Snoop will both still be passed out at that hour so why not come to terms with your own limitations and subscribe to the Cityscape podcast?

The episode is now up in the archive -- go listen!



Bill Purdy said...

Congrats! It is, indeed, one of the best posts you've placed here. Maybe this'll catapault you to stardom as the next Sarah Vowell. Or Laura Silverman. You know where I'm going with this...

Unknown said...

Wow! Cool! And wow again! Can I also listen in on Radio Free Iraq?

Michael said...

Will you sign my laptop?

Anonymous said...

Wow cool, OK I guess it was good you left us in California other wise you would never been inspired to write that blog in the first place. Um moving back now that your famous?


Lisa said...

im soooo proud!

Matthew said...

I just listened to it. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

*jumping up and down and screaming!*

Congratulations! That is such an awesome honor!

Anonymous said...

holy crap! you are such a rock star! i loved it!

will you autograph a piece of living paper paper with a digital pen for me so i can sell it for some cans of cat food when you're famous and i'm living out of a cardboard box?