Instead of food how about 4 vodka gimlets for dinner?
Become a wet nurse
Acquire quarterly stomach flu
Clip fingernails super short (ever little bit helps!)
heh. my mom's lost a lot of weight in the last month or so (since she went to the hospital) because basically she's afraid to eat. there are maybe four things she knows won't send her back to the emergency room, and she's not keen on experimenting beyond that limited reportoire... though maybe that counts under stomach flu...
heh. my mom's lost a lot of weight in the last month or so (since she went to the hospital) because basically she's afraid to eat. there are maybe four things she knows won't send her back to the emergency room, and she's not keen on experimenting beyond that limited reportoire... though maybe that counts under stomach flu...
Tip #1 wouldn't have anything to do with your sojourn last night, would it? If so... fun!
please explain #4 to me later. i'm slow.
Salmonella totally worked for me. And might I just suggest a final one: Cancer, the ultimate diet.
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