People are very passionate about coffee. They love it. They need it. It’s amazing. It’s awful. It’s spawned clichés, devotees and a million kitsch gift ideas (Best of: A friend of mine has a “fuck decaf” bumper sticker). It’s the goto topic for morning elevator banter (“Tired huh?” “Yeah, no caffeine yet.” “The Monday morning giver of life, eh?”
“Yeah, I actually prefer the blood of newborn possums suckled from their warm little bellies but caffeine’ll do in a pinch.”).
I don’t have very strong feelings about coffee. It’s ok (with half a cup of milk and 3 sugars). I’ll gladly use it as an excuse to make a midday trip out of the office or drink a cup or two as part of a social obligation. It doesn’t really keep me awake or make me jittery. I didn’t own a coffee maker for my first year and half out of college and only acquired one when one when my office moved (there are very few free things that I’ll refuse as you’ll soon see…). Until G started spending weekends at my house I hardly ever used it. So, it should be noted before I continue this post that I am extremely unqualified to offer my opinion on the quality of coffee.
A month or so ago I found out that Boca Java had started a line of blog themed coffees, more importantly they were offering a free coffee sampler pack to bloggers who offered to review the coffee. F-R-E-E! Then I found out that only residents of the USA were eligible, which meant that my coffee loving Canadian friend couldn’t get himself any free coffee. Think of how jealous he would be if *I* got free coffee! F-R-E-E!!! COFFEE!
I got my huge pack of 48oz (6 types) of free coffee (plus a mug and a hat) a couple of weeks ago and this is my requisite review: yummy! You know what tastes good? Coffee masked by Hazelnut flavored fake dairy product with tons of (probably cancer causing) high fructose corn syrup!
All of the coffee flavors have a blogger related theme. My favorite was “New Media Mavericks – Unfiltered Truth” because that’s what I o
ffer here at Random Access Babble: Truth about important topics like my bras. G and I also tried “Bloggers Pajama Passion – Life is Short, Blog Hard.” In the spirit of getting the full Pajama Passion experience we drank this in our pajamas at 2 pm while bitching about the Bush administration and debating the brunch options in Astoria – it was awesome! (It was also our typical Sunday… only with better coffee.) .
In Conclusion I’d just like to say: Hey Mike! I got FREE COFFEE nanny nanny booboo! USA #1 USA!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don't think I need to air my jealousy here. But just in case you didn't yet figure it out: YOU SUCK.
you are a lunatic, did you know that?
Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.
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