Monday, April 24, 2006

Fresh Veggies in 37 days!

One of my biggest complaints about life in NYC is the lack of easily accessible high quality vegetables. I know I was very very spoiled in California between the amazing farmers market near my old apartment and my mother's ridiculously huge garden (1/4 acre of veggies for 2 people, -- this is clearly an out of control addiction to nurturing that has manifested itself in rows of spoiled greens and huge boxes of cucumbers forced on her coworkers).

I have been thinking about growing some tomatoes on my fire escape this summer but I fear watching them burn against the west facing wall especially given the upcoming office move to Brooklyn (oo.) and my inability to remember to water them when I stumble home after 9pm. Luckily a solution stumbled into my head via the blogospher -- my neighborhood has a community supported agriculture program! It turns out that for less than $11/week (!!!) these lovely people will drop of veggies (and flowers!) for me at the cafe next door. Look at what I'll be getting:

I cannot tell you how excited I am. I'm slightly worried that I may not be able to eat all my veggies since I'm unclear on how much food I'll actually be getting but they'll give any extras to charity and I certainly spend more than $11 on veggies now (and only end up guiltily throwing things away on rare occasions). It goes without saying that I'll need to discover new recipes for veggies I rarely buy but this only adds to the excitement (go ahead and start sending me recipes for chard/kale/other greens because I am woefully inadequate at cooking these).

I need to read up on the benefits of CSA's outside of my selfish desires for high quality produce... I expect I'll be even more excited once I do.


themikestand said...

Chard? Oh, trust me... you do NOT want my recipe for Swiss Chard, my dear. Meghan still gives me that dirty sidelong glance when I talk about "boiling" greens (Which, now that I think of it, is nearly the name of a university in Ohio).

Anonymous said...

i have a couple of cookbooks that may come in handy for this, i'll let you know...

(Moosewood Lowfat Cookbook, Poor Vegetarian Cookbook, and Random Medieval Cookbooks-- because hey, they had to eat vegetables... sometimes with raisins...)

BTW, I checked out the silver spoon and it may come in handy as well, vegetable-wise.

I have a cunning plan... to have "bring weird vegetable recipe" potlucks. Hopefully, even if some of them are nasty there will be enough decent food we won't starve ... as we experiment on our friends... mwa ha ha ha ha...

whose child, after saying "pees" so he could have a cookie, clutched it to his chest and lauged evilly. i kid you not. he is *so* owen's, and mine...