I recently had a revelation -- “Good Thing You’re Tough” (GTYT) is not just brilliant parenting -- it’s brilliant life-ing. Shit be hard, yo! And, sadly, that isn’t going to change. Life is full of mean girls and ice cream scoops that slide off of your cone and onto the floor. GTYT! Cause if you weren’t tough there’d be afternoons of moping on the couch where there could be another ride on the merry-go-round. If you weren’t tough whole weeks could pass in a blur of pouting -- whole lifetimes could be wasted. But not yours! Cause you’re tough!
I often mid-pout remind myself that my life ain’t so bad and that I should buck up and move on rather than embarrass myself with a pity party. This usually works -- a few thoughts of folks stuck in a war zone or facing famine and I’m chagrined enough to wipe away the tears over expensive wedding venues or the breaking of a favorite glass. But GTYT is a vast improvement on “Shut Up, Cry Baby." GTYT says, “Hey this IS hard! no need for embarrassment!” GTYT says, “You’re awesome and you can handle this!” GTYT implies, “Other bitches would be hyperventilating with sobs by now, but you’re better than that!”
Reader -- you’re tough too. And if you’re not feeling tough there is no better way to toughen up then to keep telling yourself GTYT. My brother’s oldest is almost 6 and in the past couple of years I’ve caught her a comforting herself with a little GTYT after which she moves on all alone, no parental GTYT-ing needed because the toughness is internalized, its something she knows about herself. Its something we’d all do well to learn.
One of my favourite posts ever!
The power of suggestion is incredible.
Yeah this is my favorite.. I wish I would have had this "moto" when my daughter was younger! :) still going to use it even though she's turning 11. Maybe this is the perfect time since "that time of the month" is right around the corner.. Oh crap TMI?? haha.
Really lovely post. Thanks Bri! (And thank you for the inspiration Kurt and Stacy!)
I like this a lot!
going to try it w/ my kid! doesn't translate as well to polish but i'll figure it out.
btw, this is a very new yorker post: we're used to people stepping on us to get ahead if we slow down, pity party, whatever. GTYT, new york!
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